wow! what an interesting weekend. bill and i made a trip to little rock this weekend, and it was anything but ordinary. we left dallas friday evening around 5:30 and of course got stuck in dallas rush hour. it rained the ENTIRE way to LR! that will really wear you out. we were extremely happy to finally pull in my moms driveway.
saturday started out really great. i finally got to make it down to the farm again. it had been over a year! that can never happen again, because i absolutley love that place! its so relaxing, beautiful, and humbling. it really makes you appreciate the small things in life. we made the trip to rummage through the "container" for furniture. one could think that bill family runs a antique store, with the amount of furniture they have that has been passed down from one family member to the next. we picked out several things for the new house, so we are happy. we stopped to have lunch at the "store" before heading back to LR. this will mean nothing to yall, but bill and i have been together 6 years and i have never been to the "store." one can not even begin to describe this place, so i wont even try! lets just say, i'm glad to have finally experienced it.
after hanging out with both sets of parents for a while, we head to eat dinner with Lori and Trevor. I miss them so much. from the second we picked them up at their apartment, it was like we hadn't even missed a beat. i guess thats why we are best friends. it was like we were never apart! i love them! we ate at El Porton, my favorite, then decided we just wanted to hang out at their place and catch up. it was great fun, i didn't want the night to end. trevor ran in the LR marathon this morning, so we didn't want to keep him up too late. so this is where the night takes a turn...
leaving Lori and Trevs, i was pretty sad. for the obvious reasons, i was being pouty in the car, trying real hard to hold back the tears. we were on Rahling Road, and if any of you are familiar with that road, at night it can be pretty dark, and is surrounded by woods. it is also pretty notorious for having the occasional deer prancing across the road. so bill and i are driving, maybe 45mph, and a deer crosses our path, pretty close to our car. bill slams the breaks, i'm already freaked out! the next moments happened so quickly, it was the biggest blur, that i honestly don't know how i knew what was even going on. i saw the deer in my peripheral vision, and the next thing i hear is a HUGE thud on the passenger side of my beautiful car. I AM BAWLING!!! Holy cow, the deer just ran into my car! it scared the crap out of me, and the grumpy, sad mood that i am already in escalated immediately to psycho, freaked out stage!
i am looking in my side mirror at a huge dent in the side of my car. i can't believe this just happened, but thankful that we are ok. it could have been worse, much worse! but my pretty car...
Conversation with State Farm claims agent goes something like this:
Hi. We are traveling in Arkansas and our car was just struck my a deer.
A deer? Oh dear!
Sunday morning brought new revelations. The car looks much worse than it did in the dark of night. There are even deer hairs stuck to the wheels and door handles. GROSS! the whole passenger side of my car looks like i ran it into a light pole. maybe its just me, but i feel like people are looking at my car and thinking, "Wow, she must be a bad driver. Stay away from her." I AM NOT A BAD DRIVER! I've never had a wreck or been pulled over, and now i have deer imprints on my car!
so anyways...after church and a wonderful lunch with both families, bill and i headed back to big d. we made it safely, with a new vacuum, and the top to my wedding cake in hand. it was a great weekend, minus the deer encounter, and i am ready for the week ahead. House closing this week!