September 4, 2009


the hubby informed me today that several major law suits are in progress involving "free speech" of employees vs. large corporations. i believe one of the biggest is one involving Bank of America. it might even make it to the supreme court. basically large corporations are filing against their own employees for commenting on their Facebook, myspace, or blogs about work related things.

i definitely never want this to happen to me. so as a disclaimer i am stating right now that i in fact love my job. i may not love it everyday, but i definitely enjoy it. its spontanious, its different, its fun, its the cowboys. i don't want anyone to get the wrong idea when i post things about my job, b/c i in no way want to jeopardize me relationship with the company. so whoever may run across this wonderful blog... "love you job, mean it."

anyways... i can hardly stand the wait until razorback football. its less than 12 hours away, but i can't wait! i'm ready to hear the hog calls, to see those rowdy fans screaming with their hog tattoos on their cheeks. the red and white. the fight song, that big arkansas flag! thank you Lord for the SEC, and thank you Lord for Arkansas Razorback football! hit that line!

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