February 22, 2010

snow day

its taken me so long to post our snow day pics, that we're already supposed to have another one tomorrow! what is up with this weather? anyways... a couple weeks ago Dallas experienced its biggest snow storm in history! some areas got around a foot of snow, we got about 8 inches here at our house. it was amazing. it literally snowed ALL day long! it was so neat to see the city covered in snow. Bill and I did get out and play in it before it all melted away. here are some pics from our snow day:

Our house. The front yard didn't get much because of our huge trees.
still pretty though.

the back yard. the trees in the front and back were almost touching the ground.
i was so nervous that they would snap!

bill making snowballs. i warned him if he hit me with one
then he wasn't getting dinner. hehe.

happy snow day!
i do have to say, i've enjoyed the amount of snow we've gotten here in Big D. it comes as quite a surprise since its not typical of the region. i mean this is texas, right? buuuuuuuuut... i'm ready for spring!!! i'm blaming this weather on Punxsutawney Phil, ya know, the groundhog? he saw his dang shadow, and poof! 6 more weeks of winter. Dallas is forcasted to get a couple inches of snow tomorrow. if we get 2.9 more inches it will be the snowiest winter on record.
(sigh) if you need me i'll be in the bahamas....

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